Monday, November 17, 2008

Starkville Cemetery

To be honest, I do not know the name of this cemetery... After an entire afternoon of taking photos, I forgot to go to the gates and get the name. Edit: It is also called Oddfellows Cemetery... There are two in Starkville apparently! I can tell you that this one is in downtown Starkville, in the area known as the Cotton District. On the internet I've seen it listed as Odd Fellows, but I'm not sure that's correct as there's already one Odd Fellows in Starkville... I haven't had a chance to go back and see the gate, as the semester is winding down and sending me into a cramming frenzy! But enough excuses.

Many of the surnames in this cemetery are also the names of buildings and streets here at Mississippi State, like Critz, Montgomery, Magruder... I think I even saw a Sessums in there.

Most of these graves are from around the turn of the century--late 1800s to early 1900s. There are many very unique graves here, and a lot of astounding marble work. To be honest, I've never seen anything like the art in this graveyard.

More history on this one as it comes. Till then, click the link below for pictures.


Starkville Cemetery

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